------------------------ ------------- Start A Daycare
Operating a daycare business is more than just a natural progression from caregiving or babysitting. As day care owner / manager, you are required to assume multiple roles; as principal, centre manager, teacher, marketing manager, human resources, all rolled into one.

To run a profitable and successful daycare business, you need to be both a good educator and caregiver as well as a astute businessman. Not only would you need to manage the quality of the day care curriculum delivered and daycare services provided at your centre, you will also be required to make strategic and sometimes difficult business decisions to ensure the survival of your daycare business.

And if not managed well, what usually starts up as a passion could end up taking a toll on us if we do not manage it well.

I've taken time to find out how highly successful daycare owners had managed to juggle all that's required of them and yet stay sane and find the time to do the other things that they love to do. You will find the following tips very useful.


The ABCDE of Time Management
With thousand and one things to do, all at the same time, how do you actually get things done and done well such that the quality of the work produced is not compromised?

Adopt a lifelong learning attitude
How often do you read anything other than the newspaper? For many of us who spend more of our time working, hardly read anything other than the newspaper and possibly a magazine or two for entertainment. To be successful, it is important to dedicate yourself to lifelong learning.

Commitment to service quality
Customer loyalty is at its lowest. Your most loyal customers will leave you for the daycare centre next door should they be able to serve your customers quicker, faster or at a lower cost. Brian Tracy in his How to Build a Profitable Business categoried customer service into 4 levels.

Goal setting for your daycare
Goal setting is an integral part of a daycare entrepreneur's life. Without a goal, it's a like a ship sailing without a compass. Goals sets the direction for all your future actions. Here's how to effectively set and fulfill your goals.

Dream BIG dreams
Dreaming big dreams is one of the key characteristics of a highly successful individual

Practice the Law of Singlemindedness in your daycare
What do you do when 10 people comes to you with tasks that are all very important and need your immediately attention.

Daycare owners should practise the art of self discipline
It is very easy to do something you love, But how often have we not put off an important but hateful task, hoping that it will go away or someone else will end up having to do it instead of you?