Goal setting is an integral part of a daycare entrepreneur's life. Without a goal, it's a like a ship sailing without a compass. Goals sets the direction for all your future actions. Here's how to effectively set and fulfill your goals.
1. Set a goal. Not just any goal. It should be a clear goal. E.g. I was to earn $xx,xxx or have xxxx no. of children in my daycare . If the goal is very big, you might need to set smaller goals to scaffold you to your bigger goal.
2. Look at the goal and list down the tasks that need to be achieved in order to fulfill the goal. It should be as detailed as possible as task breakdown is functioning as a ladder or scaffold.
3. Set a timeline. Not just for your goals but all your tasks as well.
4. Consolidate all the tasks and timeline and draw up a masterplan for ease of execution.
5. Look at the master list, select a task and action on it immediately. Do not procrastinate any longer. Time management is very important. Read my earlier post on the ABCDEF of time management
6. Discipline yourself to only think about your goals and nothing else and strive to work towards your goal everyday.