Customer loyalty is at its lowest. Your most loyal customers will leave you for the daycare centre next door should they be able to serve your customers quicker, faster or at a lower cost. Brian Tracy in his How to Build a Profitable Business categoried customer service into 4 levels.
The first level is meeting their expectation. Basically, you deliver what your daycare customer wants. This is the minimal level that the customer is willing to accept and stay with your daycare. However, this is also the level where loyalty is at its most fragile and the customer can move to your competitor anytime as they are probably able to offer the exact same thing you are offering them.
The second level is where you exceed their expectations. At this level, the daycare customer is happy with your daycare services because you have exceeded his/her expectations. But in this ever competitive market, it is extremely easy for your competitor to replicate the daycare service or price which you are offering. At this level, brand/supplier switching is still high.
The third level is delighting your customers. At this level, your daycare customer is very happy with your daycare service and is less likely to switch to the daycare down the lane because he/she views your daycare services as not easily replicable.
The highest and final level is the level which everyone should aim towards. It is amazing your customers. The minute your daycare customer is amazed at what you are providing, you’ve had it made. Customer loyalty is at at its highest and your daycare customer will think twice, thrice and four time before switching because the daycare service which you are providing it not available anywhere else.